I am an advocate for my health.
It’s been a wild ride experiencing health care as an uninsured woman in my travels. From country to country, always protected but not always covered. When I’m insured I never need it, but when I’m not I usually do. Isn’t that the case? Bring an umbrella and it doesn’t rain, but forget to bring one and you’re caught in a storm. And what is insurance? Why do we need it? If not just another bill to pay? Another consumerism concept to encourage us to pay for our health and well-being, rather than educating young people on their own bodies and health. Another string society has us tied up in. And don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful for my insurance (when I have it) and for those who help me take care of me. A BIG shout out to all the nurses, doctors, and other alternative and integrative practitioners in this field. I’m grateful for all that you do, and sacrifice to save lives.
But what is health care? What does caring for your health mean to you? What does it mean to your doctors? From my experience, those are entirely different answers. From my experience, I’ve also never been asked so I never actually decided what caring for my health meant to me.
Every single person on this planet leads a different life. Every single person has their own personal, pathway to health and wellness. And right now I am finding my way, and offering guidance to others to find their own. I am learning about myself, my body and my mind, and taking over the reigns of my wellbeing. This work towards health and wellness is an all encompassing outlook to finding what suits YOU best. It is holistically inclusive of physical, emotional, intellectual, social, financial, environmental, and spiritual well-being.
It doesn’t matter what I perceive looks better over there. We’ve all heard the saying “the grass is greener on the other side”. Well the truth is, the grass is green where you water it. It matters that I am doing MY best so I don’t need “better”. I don’t need the answers that book supplies, or to do what my friends are doing. My health and wellness does not depend on or is pressured by what that teacher/parent/friend/practitioner/doctor/psychologist/pastor/preacher/sage master/random passerby says or swears by. Better isn’t best. And best isn’t perfection. Best comes with struggle, with mistakes and with a lot of discomfort. And that comes with acceptance, constant fluctuation and adjustments. When we can simply witness ourselves with grace and awareness, we begin embracing ourselves without judgment. Because for me I reckon 99% of my problems comes from my own judgment and exaggeration.
When we witness ourselves we give more space for ourselves to be at peace in our own place and at our own pace. My best is what it is, at the truest place of acceptance.
I am writing this from Planned Parenthood in Sacramento, California. I am uninsured, and thankfully this center offers free care. Thankfully this center accepts donations. Unfortunately, this center’s entrance is blocked by protestors. I walked in for a Colposcopy Biopsy appointment, hassled by a protestor informing and forcing me a brochure, absolutely refusing to take “no thank you” for an answer.
These protestors are there most every day, explained the nurse. It is traumatising for someone looking to take care of themselves, their bodies, and of the most precious parts of ourselves.
It is unfair that people have to deal with this, but maybes that’s the cost of free health care? The freedom of other peoples opinions on our bodies. The choice is still yours though, no matter what they say, no matter the laws and regulations that are coming into effect, no matter what opinion comes your way, your choice is yours!
My body, my choice.
My health, my care.
We are our own advocate, so how do you support your wellbeing?
One Response
Well done Taylor. Great insights and food for thought. Btw, what is the protest for?